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Die bedeutendste Band der Ausgabe heißt Napalm Death: Die britische Grind-Institution hat mit “Throes Of Joy In The Jaws Of Defeatism” nicht nur den Soundcheck gewonnen, sondern sie sind mit ihrer Geradlinigkeit und ihrer politischen, sozialen – schlicht: menschlichen – Haltung auch in Zeiten von Shitstorms für noch so belanglose Peanuts wichtiger denn je. Dazu sind die Grind-Pioniere musikalisch nicht immer noch, sondern immer wieder relevant. Gespräche mit Barney und Shane repräsentieren den lyrischen und musikalischen Aspekt, Interviews mit Artworker Frode und Produzent Russ vermitteln weitere Hintergründe. 

Uada definieren mit ihrem Drittwerk „Djinn“, wie episch und majestätisch Black Metal aus Portland, Oregon zu klingen hat. Hoffentlich kann das Quartett die neuen Songs bald auch live vorstellen. 



1. NAPALM DEATH: mit zwei Songs vom neuen Album “Throes Of Joy In The Jaws Of Defeatism” (‘Backlash Just Because’, ‘Amoral’) plus drei Klassikern vom 33 Jahre jungen Debüt “Scum” (‘Multinational Corporations’,’Scum’, ‘You Suffer’) und erstmals auf CD ‘Logic Ravaged By Brute Force’, das Titelstück der gleichnamigen Vinyl-Single aus diesem Jahr 

2. LEGACY-COMPILATION mit 17 Tracks: Tsatthoggua, Dephosphorus, Ixion, Trail Of Blood, Piranha, Extinctionist, Blood Of Angels, Herbstschatten, Fortress Under Siege, Blossom Cult, Raven Throne, Welkins Boreal, Kvæl, The Last Reign, Symmetric Organ, Calarook, Waves Like Walls 

STUDIOREPORTE: Thron, Slaughterday, Bliss Of Flesh

POSTER: Destruction, Uada, Serpent Omega, Vrîmuot

Zusätzlich zu den Titel- und Band-Features der CDs gibt es Interviews mit: =Fudge=, Ages, Amaranthe, Anaal Nathrakh, Ancst, Anthrax, Arroganz, Attick Demons, Benediction, Beyond Frequencies, Bloodred, Caedes Cruenta, Canterra, Carnation, Crippled Black Phoenix, Crown Of Glory, Cult Of Lilith, DevilDriver, Druknroll, Dynfari, Enslaved, EvilDead, Finntroll, Fleetburner, Hammerfall, Heathen, Hellripper, Henrik Palm, In Cauda Venenum, Isengard, It’sALie, Kadaverficker, kariti, Kataklysm, Kirkebrann, Laibach, Lik, Lonewolf, Lord Matzigkeitus, Mad Max, Manticora, Mekong Delta, Metal Church, Molasses, Morta Skuld, MyGrain, Mynskh, Nachtblut, Nasty, Neck Cemetery, Necrophobic, Night, Nocte Obducta, Oblivion Beach, Oceans Of Slumber, Old Growth, Orplid, Ottone Pesante, Over The Voids..., Pallbearer, Panzerfaust, Plague Years, Raven, Sapiency, Schwarzer Engel, Self Hypnosis, Serpent Omega, Sigh, Silius, Six Feet Under, Skálmöld, Skeletal Remains, Suffering Souls, The Ocean, The Other, Them, Theotoxin, Throane, Trident, Vardan, Varg, Vicious Rumors, Voracious Scourge, Wayfarer, Welkins Boreal 




The most important band of this issue is called Napalm Death: The British Grind institution didn’t just win the soundcheck with “Throes Of Joy In The Jaws Of Defeatism”. With their straight forward attitude, their social awareness – and yes: humane ideals – even in times of shitstorms for peanuts they are more needed than ever. Additionally the Grindcore pioneers are not still relevant – but always again. Barney and Shane represent the lyrical and musical aspects, interviews with their artworker Frode and producer Russ provide further background information.

With their third album “Djinn” Uada define, how epic and majestic Black Metal from Portland, Oregon has to sound. Hopefully the quartet will be able to present the new material live soon. 


1. NAPALM DEATH: featuring two songs from the upcoming album “Throes Of Joy In The Jaws Of Defeatism” (‘Backlash Just Because’, ‘Amoral’), plus three classics from the 33 year old debut “Scum” (‘Multinational Corporations’,’Scum’, ‘You Suffer’) and for the first time ever on CD ‘Logic Ravaged By Brute Force’, the title track from this year’s vinyl only single 

2. LEGACY-COMPILATION with 17 tracks: Tsatthoggua, Dephosphorus, Ixion, Trail Of Blood, Piranha, Extinctionist, Blood Of Angels, Herbstschatten, Fortress Under Siege, Blossom Cult, Raven Throne, Welkins Boreal, Kvæl, The Last Reign, Symmetric Organ, Calarook, Waves Like Walls

STUDIO REPORTS: Thron, Slaughterday, Bliss Of Flesh

POSTER: Destruction, Uada, Serpent Omega, Vrîmuot                                                 

Additionally to the title stories and bands featured on the CDs we have further interviews with: =Fudge=, Ages, Amaranthe, Anaal Nathrakh, Ancst, Anthrax, Arroganz, Attick Demons, Benediction, Beyond Frequencies, Bloodred, Caedes Cruenta, Canterra, Carnation, Crippled Black Phoenix, Crown Of Glory, Cult Of Lilith, DevilDriver, Druknroll, Dynfari, Enslaved, EvilDead, Finntroll, Fleetburner, Hammerfall, Heathen, Hellripper, Henrik Palm, In Cauda Venenum, Isengard, It’sALie, Kadaverficker, kariti, Kataklysm, Kirkebrann, Laibach, Lik, Lonewolf, Lord Matzigkeitus, Mad Max, Manticora, Mekong Delta, Metal Church, Molasses, Morta Skuld, MyGrain, Mynskh, Nachtblut, Nasty, Neck Cemetery, Necrophobic, Night, Nocte Obducta, Oblivion Beach, Oceans Of Slumber, Old Growth, Orplid, Ottone Pesante, Over The Voids..., Pallbearer, Panzerfaust, Plague Years, Raven, Sapiency, Schwarzer Engel, Self Hypnosis, Serpent Omega, Sigh, Silius, Six Feet Under, Skálmöld, Skeletal Remains, Suffering Souls, The Ocean, The Other, Them, Theotoxin, Throane, Trident, Vardan, Varg, Vicious Rumors, Voracious Scourge, Wayfarer, Welkins Boreal

