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Drei Dekaden Panzerschlacht! Bandkopf Morgan Håkansson, Drummer Simon Schilling sowie Freunde, Wegbegleiter und Fans aus dem Marduk-Umfeld kommen in unserer Titelstory zum 30. Geburtstag der Band zu Wort. Ebenfalls 30-jähriges Bestehen feiern Enslaved, deren Ivar Bjørnson uns Einsichten zu Bandaktivitäten im Lockdown und dem philosophischen Entsorgen von Mjølnirs gibt. Mit Suidakras Arkadius gibt es einen Blick in und hinter die Kulissen des neuen Werks “Wolfbite”, Powerwolf beweisen Durchhaltewillen und Humor, Agrypnie philosophieren über akustische Bildmalerei und Schlafstörungen, während Pestilences Patrick Mameli sich polarisierend gibt. Außerdem: Darkthrones Fenriz über die Regentschaft von König Zufall, Destruction zu Livestream-Onanie u.v.m.


LEGACY-COMPILATION mit 18 Tracks: Balmog, Apallic, Stheno, Final Error, Intaglio, Vergeblichkeit, Adarrak, Dracyor, Gore Insanity, Apallic Decay, Kaifeck, Chopped In Half, Malice Divine, Sheogorath, Vengeful Ghoul, Just Some Sound, AusgangsSPERRE, Max Roxton

STUDIOREPORTE: Thyrfing, We Butter The Bread With Butter

LABEL SPECIALS: MDD Records, Noble Demon, Spikerot

POSTER: Suidakra, Bloodbeat, White Stones, Hammer King

Zusätzlich zu den Titel- und Band-Features der CDs gibt es Interviews mit: Apophis, Axel Rudi Pell, Bloodbeat, Bottomless, Brainstorm, Burning Darkness, Celtic Hills, Crypta, Crypts, CueStack, Decapitated, Dee Snider, Demersus Ad Nihilum, Die Apokalyptischen Reiter, Dirkschneider & The Old Gang, Dornenreich, Erdve, Eternal Struggle, Ex Deo, Feuerschwanz, Fool The Masses, Formalin, Fulci, Go Ahead And Die, Groza, Hiraes, Hooded Menace, Hysterese, Ian Parry, If Nothing Is, Ill Tidings, Inner Axis, Kambrium, King Of Asgard, Kryptan, Lantlôs, Light The Torch, Liquid Steel, Loch Vostok, Mads Christensen, Mama Doom, Marta Gabriel, Mental Cruelty, Modern Rites, Mono Inc., Mordred, Neker, Night Crowned, Nocturnal, Numen, Nytt Land, Oceanhoarse, Paradise Lost, Qrixkuor, Quiete, Rebellion, Siderean, SkyEye, Sleep Moscow, Sodom, Sordide, SpitFire, Stheno, The Absence, Thy Catafalque, Tortuga, Toxic Ruin, Tragedy And Triumph, Unreqvited, Vincent Crowley, Vouna, Vulture Lord, Warkings, Winter, Xasthur



Three decades of Panzer battle! Morgan Håkansson, drummer Simon Schilling as well as friends, colleagues and fans inside the band’s cosmos celebrate Marduk’s 30th anniversary. Also turning 30: Enslaved, whose Ivar Bjørnson gives insight into the band’s activities during lockdown and on how to dispose of Mjølnirs. Alongside Suidakras Arkadius we dive into the story and circumstances behind the new album “Wolfbite”, Powerwolf display stubbornness and good humour, Agrypnie philosophize about painting acoustic pictures and insomnia while Pestilence’s Patrick Mameli polarizes in his statements. Also: Fenriz of Darkthrone on leaving things to chance, Destruction on live stream onanism and much more.


LEGACY COMPILATION featuring 18 tracks: Balmog, Apallic, Stheno, Final Error, Intaglio, Vergeblichkeit, Adarrak, Dracyor, Gore Insanity, Apallic Decay, Kaifeck, Chopped In Half, Malice Divine, Sheogorath, Vengeful Ghoul, Just Some Sound, AusgangsSPERRE, Max Roxton

STUDIO REPORTS: Thyrfing, We Butter The Bread With Butter

LABEL SPECIALS: MDD Records, Noble Demon, Spikerot

POSTERS: Suidakra, Bloodbeat, White Stones, Hammer King

In addition to the title stories and bands featured on the CDs we have further interviews with: Apophis, Axel Rudi Pell, Bloodbeat, Bottomless, Brainstorm, Burning Darkness, Celtic Hills, Crypta, Crypts, CueStack, Decapitated, Dee Snider, Demersus Ad Nihilum, Die Apokalyptischen Reiter, Dirkschneider & The Old Gang, Dornenreich, Erdve, Eternal Struggle, Ex Deo, Feuerschwanz, Fool The Masses, Formalin, Fulci, Go Ahead And Die, Groza, Hiraes, Hooded Menace, Hysterese, Ian Parry, If Nothing Is, Ill Tidings, Inner Axis, Kambrium, King Of Asgard, Kryptan, Lantlôs, Light The Torch, Liquid Steel, Loch Vostok, Mads Christensen, Mama Doom, Marta Gabriel, Mental Cruelty, Modern Rites, Mono Inc., Mordred, Neker, Night Crowned, Nocturnal, Numen, Nytt Land, Oceanhoarse, Paradise Lost, Qrixkuor, Quiete, Rebellion, Siderean, SkyEye, Sleep Moscow, Sodom, Sordide, SpitFire, Stheno, The Absence, Thy Catafalque, Tortuga, Toxic Ruin, Tragedy And Triumph, Unreqvited, Vincent Crowley, Vouna, Vulture Lord, Warkings, Winter, Xasthur

AVAILABLE FROM June, 30th 2021
