Vor genau 20 Jahren häuteten sich In Flames zu der Band, die sie heute sind: Anders Fridén und Björn Gelotte rissen die Kontrolle an sich. Sie gaben dem Melo Death eine rhythmischere Ausrichtung, forcierten Hand in Hand mit moderneren Sounds und Effekten mehr Klargesang. Die Neuauflage des längst als Klassiker etablierten Werks „Clayman“ mit einigen Neueinspielungen und einem neuen Artwork rechtfertigt eine intensive Bestandsaufnahme. Mit Eisregen, dem Tod aus Thüringen, und Ensiferum sind die weiteren Story-Schwergewichte benannt. Erstere bleiben mit „Leblos“ unbeirrt auf ihrem Kurs, letztere haben sich mit ihrem neuen Keyboarder auch einen enorm guten Klarsänger geangelt.
LEGACY-COMPILATION mit 20 Tracks: Mercyless, Aposento, Putrid Offal, Hornwood Fell, Eremic, Lucid Conformity, Lucynine, Wux, Autumn Tree, Mutant Reavers, Welkins Boreal, Heksebrann, All Life Ends, Disgusting Perversion, Scraper, Savage Blood, Ignea, Neurotic Machinery, Reawacan, Deaf Aid
STUDIOREPORTE: Running Wild, Night, Nebala
POSTER: Paradise Lost, Eisregen, Ost+Front, Mystic Prophecy
Zusätzlich zu den Titel- und Band-Features der CDs gibt es Interviews mit: 3000AD, Ahab, Avatar, Aversio Humanitatis, Azziard, Balance Breach, Beast Of Damnation, Bell Witch, Beyond The Black, Black Crown Initiate, Black Inhale, Book Of Oddity, Brunhilde, Carnal Agony, Crépuscule d’Hiver, Cultus Profano, Currents, Cytotoxin, Dance Gavin Dance, Destruction, Emmure, Enshadowed, Eye Of Nix, Falconer, Fellwarden, Goblins Blade, Imperial Triumphant, Ingested, Judicator, Kall, Let Us Prey, Lord Of The Lost, Majestic Mass, Make Them Suffer, Melektaus, Mosaic, Night In Gales, Night Laser, Nyktophobia, Onslaught, Ost+Front, Paysage d’Hiver, Poltergeist, Primal Fear, Rebel Wizard, Selbst, Sharptooth, Silentium, Sinisthra, The Acacia Strain, The Moon And The Nightspirit, The Order, The Other, Thy Despair, Tomorrow’s Rain, Two Face Sinner, Ultra Silvam, Vampire, Velvet Ocean, Victoria K, Vile Creature, Volcanova, Woodus, Walpurgia, Warkings, Witches
Exactly 20 years ago In Flames peeled of their skin to become the band that they still represent. Anders Fridén and Björn Gelotte took control. They forced the bands Melodic Death Metal trademarks into a more rhythmical approach. Hand in hand with modern sounds and effects they pushed the clean vocals. The reissue of the album “Clayman”, that is regarded a classic since ages, features some new recordings of the hit songs plus a completely new artwork – reasons enough for a detailed analysis. Further story heavyweights are Eisregen, the reapers from Thuringia, and Ensiferum. The first ones stay on course with their new output “Leblos”, the latter ones integrated a new keyboarder that happened to be an enormously gifted clean vocalist as well.
LEGACY-COMPILATION with 20 tracks: Mercyless, Aposento, Putrid Offal, Hornwood Fell, Eremic, Lucid Conformity, Lucynine, Wux, Autumn Tree, Mutant Reavers, Welkins Boreal, Heksebrann, All Life Ends, Disgusting Perversion, Scraper, Savage Blood, Ignea, Neurotic Machinery, Reawacan, Deaf Aid
STUDIO REPORTS: Running Wild, Night, Nebala
POSTER: Paradise Lost, Eisregen, Ost+Front, Mystic Prophecy
Additionally to the title stories and bands featured on the CDs we have further interviews with: 3000AD, Ahab, Avatar, Aversio Humanitatis, Azziard, Balance Breach, Beast Of Damnation, Bell Witch, Beyond The Black, Black Crown Initiate, Black Inhale, Book Of Oddity, Brunhilde, Carnal Agony, Crépuscule d’Hiver, Cultus Profano, Currents, Cytotoxin, Dance Gavin Dance, Destruction, Emmure, Enshadowed, Eye Of Nix, Falconer, Fellwarden, Goblins Blade, Imperial Triumphant, Ingested, Judicator, Kall, Let Us Prey, Lord Of The Lost, Majestic Mass, Make Them Suffer, Melektaus, Mosaic, Night In Gales, Night Laser, Nyktophobia, Onslaught, Ost+Front, Paysage d’Hiver, Poltergeist, Primal Fear, Rebel Wizard, Selbst, Sharptooth, Silentium, Sinisthra, The Acacia Strain, The Moon And The Nightspirit, The Order, The Other, Thy Despair, Tomorrow’s Rain, Two Face Sinner, Ultra Silvam, Vampire, Velvet Ocean, Victoria K, Vile Creature, Volcanova, Woodus, Walpurgia, Warkings, Witches